The “D Rig”
The D-Rig is best suited to a slow sinking rig due to the rig mechanics, when the rig lands on the lake bed the Fluorocarbon line will push the rig away from the lead, the sinker will pull the section of line near the lead down first further helping to push your hook away from the lead. When a fish picks up your rig and either tries to run with it or blow it back out the “D” and the ring swivel will allow the bait to slide back outside the mouth and allow the hook to take hold, without the “D” the hook could be ejected along with the bait, the key to its success is a slow sinking bait, this negates the weight of the hook and restrictive nature of the hooklink. It also helps to hide the hook as the bait should sit just above it, A video guide on how to tie it is below by our very own Tim Reader.